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Forum Rules and Community Guidelines

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:42 am
by Site Admin
Welcome to the Advanced Nutrients Community Forum!

To ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all members, please read and adhere to the following rules and guidelines:

1. Respect and Consideration:
  • Treat others with respect, kindness, and consideration.
  • Avoid offensive language, personal attacks, and harassment.
  • No discrimination or hate speech based on race, gender, religion, or other personal characteristics.
2. Content Guidelines:
  • Keep discussions relevant to the forum's purpose and categories.
  • Avoid spamming, self-promotion, or excessive advertising.
  • Do not share inappropriate or explicit content, including images, links, or text.
3. Forbidden Content:
Prohibited content includes but is not limited to:
  • Discussions related to the medical benefits of cannabis
  • Self-promotion and promotion of third-party businesses
  • Promotion and sale of seeds and other consumatives
  • Illegal activities or discussions promoting such activities.
  • Violence, threats, or any content that encourages harm to others.
  • Child exploitation or any form of child endangerment.
  • Hate speech, discrimination, or content that incites violence based on race, gender, or other protected characteristics.
  • Any form of harassment, stalking, or invasions of privacy.
  • Distribution of malware, viruses, or any harmful software.
  • False information that may cause harm or damage to individuals or entities.
  • Any content violating intellectual property rights, including unauthorized sharing of copyrighted material.
4. Privacy and Security:
  • Do not share personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial details.
  • Report any suspicious or harmful activities to the moderation team.
5. Intellectual Property:
  • Respect copyright and intellectual property rights.
  • Do not share or distribute content without proper attribution or permission.
6. Forum Structure:
  • Post topics in the appropriate categories.
  • Use clear and descriptive titles for your threads.
  • Avoid duplicate threads; check for existing discussions on a topic before starting a new one.
7. Moderation:
  • Follow instructions from forum moderators and administrators.
  • Report any violations using the provided reporting system.
  • Accept and comply with moderation decisions and actions.
8. Language:
  • Use clear and respectful language.
  • English is the primary language for communication on this forum.
9. Signature and Avatars:
  • Keep signatures and avatars in good taste and within size limits.
  • Avoid any content that may violate forum rules.
10. User Accounts:
  • One account per person; do not create multiple accounts.
  • Do not share your account login information.
11. Compliance with Laws:
  • Adhere to local, national, and international laws.
  • Do not engage in or promote illegal activities.
Consequences for Violations:
  • Violations of these rules may result in actions ranging from a warning to a temporary or permanent ban from the forum. Moderators and administrators have the authority to enforce these rules to maintain a positive and respectful community environment.
Updates to Forum Rules and Community Guidelines

We reserve the right to modify, update, or change the Forum Rules and Community Guidelines as deemed necessary. Users are encouraged to regularly check for updates to stay informed about any amendments.

While we will make an effort to notify users about significant updates, it is the responsibility of each community member to review the Forum Rules and Community Guidelines periodically. By participating in the forum, users agree to abide by the most recent version of these guidelines.

Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated as we strive to maintain a positive and inclusive community environment

Thank you for being a part of the Advanced Nutrients Community Forum. We look forward to engaging with you and building a vibrant community together!